About fifty years of field campaigns throughout numerous Italian non-marine, intramontane or marginal sedimentary basins, from which a great amount of mollusc material was collected, led the authors to summarize their knowledge on the gastropods in this book. It deals with 155 species of freshwater, brackish and land gastropods recorded from sites ranging from Oligocene to Holocene. Several species were identified as new to science. Each species is concisely treated, accompanied by illustrations, essential synonymy, short taxonomic notes, habitat, as well as fossil and Recent occurrence. Most of the species are endemic to Italy; others are palaeobiogeographically significant indicating connections with Central and South-Eastern Europe at various epochs. A faunal turnover through time is examined, highlighting a high extinction rate among the Italian molluscan fauna. A map displaying the geographical distribution of the main Cenozoic basins of Italy, a table showing the chronostratigraphical distribution of the treated species, and an index of species and genera names are also included.